Constellation Wines (previously Hardys), Glossop, SA
ACST: 12th Mar 03:12 PM
PDT: 11th Mar 09:42 PM
PDT: 11th Mar 09:42 PM
AU Toll Free: 1800 824 015
US Toll Free: 1 866 805 9510
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US Toll Free: 1 866 805 9510
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Wine Makers
BELIM (Lab Information Management System) – Created a system that tracks wine samples that are tested in the Berri Estates main lab. BELIM interfaces with the AS400 system using OLE to extract data about a sample and the tests that are to be performed. The tests are also registered in BELIM and the results are recorded by either user entry or direct interface with the testing instrumentation (either by serial connection or file transfer). Test results are then sent to the AS400 through OLE interface at a polling interval. Calibration, servicing and maintenance logs are also kept in BELIM. The test station technician can then be aware of any action due on the instrumentation by warnings that appear.