Apr 1, 2014 | Uncategorized
ALMADS Commodity Lite is fast becoming the industry ‘must have’ to handle the commodity side of almond hulling and shelling. With the advantage of driver cards that can be used between all ALMADS Commodity clients saves companies time and money.
Mar 31, 2014 | Uncategorized
As always for this time of year, Regional IT will be heading to California to visit existing ALMADS clients to meet with key staff to discuss season 2014. We will also be meeting with potential new clients to discuss ALMADS for season 2014. These new clients include Almond Hullers/Shellers, Almond Processors, Walnut Processors and Feed...
Mar 31, 2014 | Uncategorized
Running parallel for season 2014, ALMADS is being developed to cater for Riverland Almonds’ sorting, packing and retail packing operations. ALMADS is also interfacing with SAP that will now only serve as just an ordering and financial system. ALMADS replaces all inventory and processing operations because it is being developed to suit almond processing...