Oct 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
Regional IT welcomes Andersen & Sons Shelling. Andersens are a walnut huller, sheller, dryer, packer and shipper and have signed to have an ALMADS solution for their business based in Vina, California. We really look forward to working with you.
Mar 25, 2016 | Uncategorized
Regional IT do their bit for charity by staff taking part in the Ultimate Pie Challenge, taking pies in the face to raise funds for the Childhood Cancer Association who supports children with cancer and their families with counselling, accommodation, respite to name just a few of the 30 free and tailored services they provide. #ultimatepiechallenge Watch the video below to see the staff get...
Mar 24, 2016 | Uncategorized
Staff at Regional IT are about to fly out to California this Easter weekend to visit with existing clients as well as many potential new clients – including a walnut processor, prune processor, almond huller, plus three almond processors & a cold storage facility. We look forward to catching up with our many existing clients to discuss their upcoming 2016 season as well as meet potential new clients to discuss their needs and how Regional IT can help them. We will be in California for two weeks from 27 March until 7 April 2016 and looking forward to travelling North to...
Mar 24, 2016 | Uncategorized
Regional IT is extremely pleased to announce Australian Pioneer Pistachio Company, based in Robinvale, Victoria are now part of the Regional IT & ALMADS family. We look forward to working with them.
Dec 10, 2015 | Uncategorized
The Directors and Staff of Regional IT would love to wish all their wonderful clients and their families a very happy and safe holiday season and prosperous New Year. Please be advised that our office will be closed over the Christmas period from 1pm Wednesday 23rd December and will re open on Wednesday 6 January 2016 at...
Jul 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
We welcome on board Alisia Maldonado as a support consultant. Based in Fresno, Alisia will be first point of contact for clients for support during the season but also project manage testing of new enhancements at the client end pre season and help with scoping new requirements to accelerate to Regional IT...